Above the rooftops of Velden

Meetings &
Team building

Welcome to the meeting room
with probably the best view in the whole of Velden.

High above the rooftops of Velden, directly on the rooftop of the CasinoHotel, you will find everything you need for a successful meeting or an unforgettable teambuilding event – from state-of-the-art equipment, careful planning and the compilation of a supporting program to the culinary catering provided by “Le Café”.

approx. 80m²

High-end close-range projector

electric screen


High-end sound system



HDMI connection

Laser pointer

Moderation case

Connection option for notebooks

Various seating options


In the penthouse of the CasinoHotel Velden you will find a perfectly equipped meeting room with a panoramic front and a fantastic view over Lake Wörthersee and the surrounding mountains. The technical equipment has only recently been brought up to date and offers all the facilities needed for analog and audiovisual presentations. Depending on the seating arrangement, the meeting room can accommodate up to 40 people. We are happy to arrange the rooms according to your requirements – from cinema seating to U-shaped seating to a table and, if you wish, we can also give you a personal tour of the rooms in advance.

The spacious terrace with a direct view of Lake Wörthersee is the ideal place to take a break. Enjoy one of our coffee specialties and snacks outdoors and let yourself be inspired by the charm of the “Austrian riviera”. Catering is provided by our “Le Café”, which will be happy to put together a selection of finger food, snacks, rolls and sweet delicacies as well as drinks and serve them in the meeting room on request. A business lunch with soup and a selection of main courses is of course also possible.


Who says work and fun can’t go hand in hand? You will have more than earned a break after work is done – and Velden offers a variety of activities that not only increase team motivation, but also promote team spirit. By combining meetings and entertaining leisure activities, you create a unique atmosphere that can sustainably improve productivity and cohesion in your team.

Lake Wörthersee – and Velden in particular – offers the ideal backdrop for a successful meeting or team-building event. From the lake to the nearby mountains to the extensive range of leisure activities, you will find everything you need for a productive yet unforgettable team event in Velden. We will be happy to put together a suitable supporting program for you and provide you with suggestions – together we will make your team building event an unforgettable experience.

Herzlich willkommen im CasinoHotel Velden – unser zentral gelegenes Hotel begrüßt Sie mit den beiden Häusern Life & Style an der Riviera Österreichs. Tauchen Sie am besten Platz des Ortes in den einzigartigen Veldener Lifestyle ein.

Ein großzügig geschnittener Rückzugsort vom aufregenden Lifestyle Veldens – unsere modern ausgestatteten Doppelzimmer bieten viel Komfort für Ihren Urlaub im CasinoHotel.

Das gewisse „Extra“ gibts mit unseren Superior-Zimmern – entweder mit eigener Sauna oder mit einer großen Badewanne und Fernseher im Badezimmer.

Ihr Rückzugsort auf 60 Quadratmetern: Die Junior Suite bietet Platz für 4 Personen und ist der perfekte Ausgangspunkt für einen längeren Aufenthalt in Velden.

Schlafen mit Stil: Unsere Suite bietet mit 80 Quadratmetern viel Raum zum Genießen. Eines der vielen Highlights? Ein eigener Balkon mit Blick auf den Wörthersee.

Manuel Politzky ist seit Jahren Gastgeber am Wörthersee und führt das CasinoHotel Velden seit Oktober 2023 für CUISINO. Lernen Sie das Team hinter den Kulissen kennen.

What to do when in Velden? Unsere Empfehlungen für Abstecher ins Nightlife und den Lifestyle Veldens, Tipps zum Sightseeing und Empfehlungen für Aktivitäten gibts hier.

Nachtschwärmer werden in Velden ganz bestimmt glücklich. Unsere Empfehlungen rund ums SWITCH, das Le Café und weitere Hotspots im aufregenden Nightlife von Velden.

Der Lifestyle-Hotspot am Wörthersee. Legendäre Partys, schicke Lokale, gemütliche Cafés, moderne Boutiquen…das alles und noch viel mehr ist Velden am Wörthersee. Unser Hotel mitten im Zentrum ist ideal gelegen, um in den Lifestyle der Riviera Österreichs einzutauchen.

Die Region rund um den Wörthersee bietet eine große Auswahl für sportbegeisterte Urlauber – vom Wassersport übers E-Biken bis hin zum Golfen haben wir einige Empfehlungen zusammengestellt.

Langweilig wird es um den Wörthersee bestimmt nicht – entdecken Sie unsere Tipps & Empfehlungen für das Sightseeing an der Riviera Österreichs.

Neuigkeiten aus dem Hotel, Tipps und Empfehlungen für Events und Sehenswürdigkeiten – all das lesen Sie in unserem CasinoHotel-Magazin.

Der Meetingraum mit der vermutlich besten Aussicht in ganz Velden – erkunden Sie unser Angebot für Meetings und Teambuildings im CasinoHotel Velden.

Welcome to the CasinoHotel Velden – our centrally located hotel welcomes you with the two houses Life & Style on the Austrian Riviera. Immerse yourself in the unique Velden lifestyle in the best place in town.

A spacious retreat from Velden’s exciting lifestyle – our modern double rooms offer plenty of comfort for your vacation at the CasinoHotel.

Our superior rooms offer that certain “extra” – either with their own sauna or with a large bathtub and TV in the bathroom.

Your retreat on 60 square meters: The Junior Suite offers space for 4 people and is the perfect starting point for a longer stay in Velden.

Sleep in style: our suite offers 80 square meters of space to enjoy. One of the many highlights? A private balcony with a view of Lake Wörthersee.

Manuel Politzky has been a host at Lake Wörthersee for years and has been managing the CasinoHotel Velden for CUISINO since October 2023. Get to know the team behind the scenes.

What to do when in Velden? Our recommendations for excursions into Velden’s nightlife and lifestyle, tips for sightseeing and recommendations for activities can be found here.

Night owls will definitely be happy in Velden. Our recommendations for SWITCH, Le Café and other hotspots in Velden’s exciting nightlife.

The lifestyle hotspot on Lake Wörthersee. Legendary parties, chic bars, cozy cafés, modern boutiques… Velden at Lake Wörthersee offers all this and much more. Our hotel right in the center is ideally located to immerse yourself in the lifestyle of the Austrian Riviera.

The region around Lake Wörthersee offers a wide selection for sports enthusiasts – from water sports to e-biking and golfing, we have put together a few recommendations.

You’ll never get bored around Lake Wörthersee – discover our tips & recommendations for sightseeing on the Austrian Riviera.

News from the hotel, tips and recommendations for events and sights – you can read all about it in our CasinoHotel magazine.

The meeting room with probably the best view in Velden – explore our offer for meetings and team building at CasinoHotel Velden.

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